This is a letter that I wrote to myself from God's perspective. I hope it challenges and strengthens you as it did me. It is my prayer that God reveals His infinite love to you.
My darling daughter,
I want you to know just how much I love you. You are my daughter, my bride, my princess. I could never be angry with you. I release you from condemnation, for in me there is none. I love you with an unconditional love which no earthly person could possibly give you. I release you from all your feelings of guilt and shame. When you are hurting, I am hurting with you. When you rejoice, I am rejoicing with you. I understand exactly how you feel, for I know you better than you know yourself. I know your needs, wants, wishes, desires, hopes, dreams, goals, hurts, and past mistakes. I am not distant from you. I am still here, even if you may not feel me like you think you should. I long to lavish you with kisses, and rejoice and sing over you. Though you may feel removed from me and my love, I have not gone or left you. I could never leave you. My presence is part of who I am. There are reasons for your feelings which you are not ready to understand. Put your full trust in me. Though people have hurt and failed you in the past, they are human. I could never reject you. When others reject you, they reject me- for you are my child. I want to open your eyes and your heart to receive all the wonderful things I have to give you. Accept my forgiveness. The moment you called out my name and repented, I forgave you. I do not hold anything against you as the world does. Open yout eyes to the reality of my love. I am more real than anything that you can now see, for I created and made all those things. When you look at my creation, you are looking at me. I know your doubts and your fears. I long to take away all those fears. They are all lies from the enemy. In me there is no fear. Rest and take comfort in me. Let me take your burdens. Surrender EVERYTHING that separates us, for I long to be close to you. You have been clinging so tightly to your past for so long. Let me take your yoke of shame and guilt. I long to give you freedom. I want you to live out the life that I have destined for you and called you to. My will for your life is perfect and your future is bright. Surrender control to me. Trust me with your whole heart. I will never fail you. I will never forsake you. I am pleased with you, my daughter. I am the daddy you never experienced on earth. I can give you much more than anyone on earth ever could. I am going to blow your mind with all the plans I have for you. Your future is in me and in my hands. Do not worry, for I am in control of EVERY situation. Though your faith may be small right now, I will use it and strengthen it. Though you are weak, in me you are made strong. I am waiting for you with open arms. I am waiting for you to come back to me. Do not be afraid. In me there is no fear. My love fights fear, and love conquers all. Believe in me as I believe in you. I believe you will come out victorious. I will give you the strength and power you need. But you must forgive yourself as I have forgiven you. My son Jesus has already paid your ransom on the cross. He took on all your sins. Let go of your guilt. Let go of your shame. Let go of everything that separates us. I long to be closer and closer to you every day. Let me love on you. Find rest in me. I am your comforter, your shepherd, your Daddy. Don't place your identity in what the world has to offer. Place your identity in me and our relationship. I am right here. I have seen your tears. It is ok to cry. You are safe in my will. I am waiting. Will you run to me?
All my love,
Daddy God