Friday, July 30, 2010

40 Reasons

40 Reasons I want to recover...

1. Because I'm worth it
2. To be healthy
3. To feel fully alive
4. I will have muscle again
5. I will be able to swim like I used to
6. Because I want a future
7. I want to get married
8. I want to have children and be a mommy
9. I will be able to help others who have gone through the same battle
10. I will have a great career
11. I want to graduate from college
12. I don't want to be a burden
13. I don't want to put any more financial strain on my parents
14. All my true friends and family are worried about me
15. I wouldn't have to constantly think about food
16. I could finally sleep at night
17. I wouldn't have to go to the hospital or psych ward
18. I wouldn't have to be stuck with IV's
19. I would have a stronger heart and lungs
20. I could think more clearly
21. I could concentrate on my work
22. I would get more done since I'm not preoccupied with food
23. I wouldn't have to spend so much time on appointments to therapists, doctors, and support groups
24. I would have more time to do the things I really love to do
25. I would have time to discover new things I enjoy
26. I would take this as a learning process
27. Because God wants to see me recover
28. Because I am God's temple
29. Because I don't really have the "control" I thought I had
30. I will be able to eat with friends without feeling anxiety or fear
31. Because I place my identity in God, not ED
32. Because I am God's precious treasure, and I am grieving Him when I stay with ED
33. Because divorcing ED is a huge accomplishment
34. I will finally be free
35. I will no longer be bound by the chains of Satan
36. My clothes will actually fit
37. I will be whole again
38. I won't be constantly cold all the time
39. I will emerge as a stronger woman on the other side
40. I will have a life and be able to fulfill God's will and destiny that He has planned for me

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing Jessica! I am praying for you in this and appreciate you opening my eyes to the struggles of people even beyond yourself. You are beautiful :D
